Live on Zoom: Fresno Art Hop! Homage to artist and poet Jose Montoya & poetry reading, Thurs., 8/3, 6:30-8pm

Arte Americas’ Con/Safos Poetry Series

NEWS- August, 3, 2023, Thursday on Zoom @arteamericas in Fresno, join me as I review Jose Montoya’s college papers, a day-glow illustration from his UCSB archives, and share my homage to Celia Herrera Rodriguez, a Royal Chicano Art Front member and my forever maestra.

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I first met Jose Montoya at Amherst College in 1995. It was my first year of college and I both missed the way I fit in at home, and was beyond grateful to have my own room.

He read his poems to a room full of BIPOC students, but what I remember most is him reminding us that people at home were proud of us, that we were missed, and we were loved.

That’s what I needed to hear, and he’s been saying things like that and more my whole life.

Thank you Joseph Rios for inviting me!!

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